The Inner Circle – Ravenwing Bikes

 The march continues with another completed unit, my converted Ravenwing bikes. The subtle conversion came out great, very happy. Not much else to say, on to the next unit!

The Inner Circle – Dark Angels Librarian

Next model done and (literally) in the bag!  The DV librarian.Didn't take very long at all either, no more then about 5 hours. Can't complain at all!  Gave him a glowing yellow eye and did some blending on the cloak which I'm pretty darn happy with. ...

The Inner Circle – Dark Angels

Finished the 2nd half of the first Dark Angels tactical squad tonight.  The extra DV sergeant is there so I can run two units of 5 if I wish.Did some different paint on the lava for these guys, and probably won't do it again.  I also finished the conversion...

The Inner Circle continues…Tactical Marines

Finally finished up the first 5 (of 30!) tactical marines.  I do plan on eventually having enough for a Lion's Blade but that's A LOT of vehicles.  Many, many magnets. Maybe that's what took so long, so many extra bits. Or lack of motivation. Or upgrading...

The Inner Circle and Apoc at GW store.

I decided to give a go at The Inner Circle competition GW is doing.Last Saturday I spent the day at the store playing in the first event, an apoc game.  Well it wasn't really Apoc, but really just a large game of 40k.  I took my Orks, in the Decurion with a...