Showcase: Dark Angels Rhino/Razorback.

Another project. Did pre-shading, but Caliban Green is heavy on pigment and it was hard to keep it visible. It does show up if you know where you're looking lol.And of course, magnets!  The rear hatch has a magnet in the top. Realized this is a better idea then...

How much can you play the same thing?

I'm bored. Bored with Orks.  I've done just about everything I can do with Orks and the models I have.  I have no clue on what I want to play anymore.I do want to get going on my Tau/Necrons, but I need more models first. The biggest problem I see is...

Work in progress: Pre-shading

I'm still in a holding pattern for my hobby as time ticks for tax refund season.A while ago I bought a tactical squad and Rhino because.. reasons.  So I decided to go ahead and add them to my Dark Angels army. They are built, and for now I'm just painting the...

Showcase: Dark Angels Devastators.

More time filler.  I also just learned it will probably be a month before tax refund not a week, so I'm a bit despondent over that but I'll push on.I finished the Lascannon Devastator squad. Even though technically I don't have any way to put them on the table...

Return of the Ork horde?

I've been trying to decide what to play lately. I've played the same stuff so often that it's getting boring.I've tried mixing up some Orks and CSM but so far it's meh. I could bring out the Air Armada again.orcould the Ork Horde have much of a chance?When I say...