My Top 5 X-Wing abilities I want to see in Star Trek: Attack Wing

Time for another STAW top 5!I did play X-Wing for a while, but just could not keep up financially with yet another game so I sold everything off.  However there are a lot of cool abilities that would translate well to Attack Wing, either on a ship, captain or...

Can Orks do MSU?

As I was contemplating a Gladius, I was thinking if Orks could do the MSU any better.  The units are cheap, however very fragile especially in small numbers.  I don't know if it would really work but it could be interesting to see if someone can kill...

An interim project – Dark Angels

The "downside" to buying Devastator boxes for Grav Cannons (just doing the bits is usually not worth it, or they are recasts) is having a bunch of other heavy weapons left over.I decided to go with a unit for Dark Angels, going with all Lascannon.So this my next...

Showcase: More Ravenwing.

A good deal is hard to pass up, which is what these guys were. Just $10.  I cut off the plasma and magnetized the options of Melta, plasma and Grav.Which brings me to the next subject, my 2017 army plans. I've scratched the Lion's Blade off the list. I do plan on...

New year, new projects on the horizon.

But I just don't know what yet!Right now I'm gearing up to my big shopping season once I get my tax refund, which will give me the plastic to build and paint all year long.Right now I'm not sure what exactly I will be spending my money on.There are currently 6 choices...