Iron Angels at a tournament – Fist of Medusa Strike Force.

Didn't take any pictures today but I went to a 1 day 3 round ITC tournament.  I busted out my second Stormtalon in just one day to get ready.These 2 things happened:1. I rolled Veil of Time in every game2. I went first in every gameDespite that I only went...

Dark Angels? What is this??

I had this unit of Assault Marines built up at one time with the goal of painting them to try and sell on ebay.  They've been sitting in my project box for months now, and I finally decided to do something with it.Lately I've had a wild hair to expand on my Dark...

My top 5 ships we need in Star Trek: Attack Wing

I haven't posted much about Attack Wing but I'm as passionate about it as ever.Wizkids has postponed most of the new releases and are currently putting out repaints. Which is fine because most of what is being re-released was hard to get for new players.But anyway,...

Kill Team – Ravenwing

There is some sort of Kill Team campaign put on by GW this month, and my FLGS is running one.First games were Friday night, and I got in 3 games - 2 normal and 1 of the 4-player scenario in the campaign set.For ease of math and carrying I just brought 5 Black...

Iron Angels take the field!

After months of work I finally put the Iron Angels on the table.Lacking the 2nd Stormtalon I had to pick another aux choice. I went with Iron Guardians, which is a tactical squad and a dreadnought.  Gave the tactical squad grav and a Rhino, and just a base dread...