Lighted power generator terrain piece.

To finish off the surprisingly post-heavy October, I have one more bit of work that is all built  and should be getting paint soon.Came about from a contest/challenge on youtube, using what you had lying around. Based on candy containers and using a lot of left...

Quickie: Iron Angels Deathstar

Just a quick post here, while I was putting away the command squad I snapped a pic of the entire deathstar unit.Captain, command squad and Librarious Conclave. Using the Medusa Strike Force, the unit has a 3+ FNP. The command bikes have storm shields for that 3++...

Showcase: Iron Angels command squad

After much trial and tribulation, I finally finished my command squad. So happy they are done.And with the captain: Now down to a single Stormtalon to finish my list.  Need money first.I picked up some Black Reach boyz, and I still have my metal nobs to deal...

Battle Report: Age of Sigmar tournament

First I have to say the tournament was a bit of a letdown. There was suppose to be a big wind storm blow through Portland today but it was mostly a dud and it looks like that kept people away. Only 6 out of the 26 that signed up showed up.We went ahead and played...

Orruks going to a tournament!

The first post-general's handbook Age of Sigmar tournament is happening tomorrow at my FLGS.Most of the last week I've spent finishing off the display board.  The snowshoe middle was done and I had to just to everything else.   It took way longer and...