Next project up: More Iron Angels

I've been really off my hobby game for the last week or so, mainly because I'm lacking any motivation to finish my command squad bikes. I'm already tired of painting BA again, I normally can only take them in small doses but I've been doing a lot. Considering I only...

My review of Luke Cage.

Several times while watching it I did find myself actually bored, waiting for something to happen. The first half is well paced, but right about the first plot twist it slows way down to more political pandering and manipulation that stuck me as oddly similar to Star...

Second game of Frostgrave!

Got my second campaign game in tonight. Playing first mission, eclipse from lich lord. Game went pretty well, I ended up with 4 treasures and a bunch of stuff. Didn't lose anyone during the game, as I gave my Barbarian and Knights +2 move so my opponent just moved his...

More Frostgrave

I said I wouldn't get any more Reaper Bones minis, but they are just so darn cheap it's hard to get anything else. These were not particularly bad, well worth the $2.50 each.After my first game I had enough cash to re-hire my injured Thug and add these two Knights to...

Showcase: Blood Angels tactical squad, now with Grav!

I'm one step closer to finishing my Medusa Strike Force, with the completion of the 3rd tactical squad.This is a grav unit that will be in a Rhino.I even did up a grav pistol!  Might be a viable alternative to a combi-grav.  Not sure yet.I only got in one...