First game of Frostgrave!

I was so excited to play that I didn't remember to take even pictures, much less a video. It was a pretty dense terrain board, with big buildings in the middle.I did a split deployment with Kristianna and the archers on one side and Seoni and everyone else on the...


It's been a while since a new game grabbed my interested. I tried a bit with Warmachine with it not catching on. Friends keep recommending Malifaux or Infinity and neither one is showing the least bit of excitement.However Frostgrave is the exact opposite.  I've...

Buliding an Ork dakka list for ITC

I had not realized that ITC now allows taking two CaDs.  I don't know when that changed, but it allows me try and build a dakka-heavy list.The biggest roadblock was the fact that both lootas and mek guns are heavy support. Being able to run two cads gives me both...

Quick update: More rebasing.

Finished putting my first Blood Angels tactical squad on 32mm bases. I still have not found any resin lava bases I like, so I might have to start learning how to do my own.I have a lot more then 10 guys in this unit though, so it was more work then it needed to be....