Updating the Freebooterz list

The biggest problem with my current freebootaz list is the 2 gorkanauts. I only have one and I'm not convinced 2 works. I want some more anti-vehicle hitting power and for that I'm falling back to the new buggies.  Also I have 4 really cool conversions I want to...

Kustom loota Flashgitz

A long time ago I had an idea to make my own Flashgitz because I simply don't like the pirate aesthetic of the GW kit.  I had no idea what to use for weapons until I decided to use up all the extra heavy bolters I had from all the devastator kits I bought. So I...

Re-evaluating Freebooterz Klan Kulture – The list

This is the complete list to accompany the videoBattalion Detachment +5CP (Orks)Big Mek on Warbike (Index): Kustom Force Field [20pts], Kustom Mega-blastaWarboss on Warbike (index): Attack Squig, Da Killa Klaw, Power Klaw, Shoota (Index)Weirdboy29 Boyz: 2x Tankbusta...

Showcase: Kromlech Orc Barracks

 Finally getting time for hobby again, and man do I miss it.Starting with getting the Kromlech terrain done that I've had sitting on the shelf for what..a year? More?  Not sure but it needs to be done.This was a lot of fun and quite easy to paint.  The...

Updating Kult of Speed list

After a couple games with the Kult of Speed I decided I need a bit more firepower.  Also, I want to play with my UFO's.  :)The two Megatrakk Scrapjets costs 220 points, so I needed to squeeze down a bit.First thing I did was drop 1 of my units of boys down...