Bringing Kult of Speed to the table.

Viligus Defiant brought us specialist detachments including 4 for the Orks.   The most exiting of these is the Kult of speed, which allows you to make Speed Freeks fearless if they advanced, and move twice their movement value.The basic idea is to take a...

The Bad Moon Rises…

It's finally in hand, the Gloomspire Gitz book!  I am so far out of step with AoS it's almost like starting with a new game.I am reading through the warscrolls and there are so many buffs, spells, interactions, etc I can't possibly understand it all.  It...

Showcase: Evil Sunz Looted Viper Deffkilla Wartrike

It took some time but finally finished this project.I had to order the base off eBay because GW does not make the 150mm oval separately.  It's MDF so it ads a lot to the weight.  Very happy with how it came out.  I did as much as I could to copy the...

Stepping up to a more competitive list: Bad Moons/Goffs

After playing the first month or so of the Codex with what I happened to have in my transport - the Evil Sunz - I've decided it's time to take my list up a notch.I wanted to try out both Skarboyz and Bad Moons Lootas.  Plus the 4++ bad moons warlord trait.After...