Chief Librarian Tigurius is broken.

just sayin'So I've been contemplating using Ultramarines as an ally instead of Space Wolves. First, the Ultramarines are battle brothers meaning I can do a lot more.  The core though, is Tiguruis and his way broken ability to almost choose his powers.First, the...
Slow news day..just re-basing Broadsides.

Slow news day..just re-basing Broadsides.

I've been kinda under the weather emotionally so I've not been posting much. Plus I spent a lot of time painting Imperial Fist bikes so didn't have much time for my own stuff.There is a tournament this weekend where I'm on a waiting list, not sure if I'll get to play...
Quick review: Imperial Defense Emplacement.

Quick review: Imperial Defense Emplacement.

I volunteered to paint a pair of the Imperial Defense Emplacement kits for my FLGS. It's a simple kit in 8 parts that still has a lot of detail.The downside, like all the Wall of Martyr kits, is the martyrs themselves. The bodies and gear scattered around the...
More Nurgle bikers complete!

More Nurgle bikers complete!

After the first two test models, I was commissioned for 8 more.First 7 are done, 2 powerfist champions, 3 plasma gunners and 2 regular guys.  I didn't do any of the conversion work, but I have to say it's excellent.Not much to say, other then I went away from the...