Nurgle "winged" Demon Prince complete! (custom jump pack)

Nurgle "winged" Demon Prince complete! (custom jump pack)

Wow did this guy come out great!  The jump pack engines are nice and rusty and one is connected by a nice and fleshy bit. The skin looks putrid, the armor dirty and everything else is just..gross!The best part he didn't take long to paint at all, which was really...
Nurgle "winged" demon prince WiP (custom jump pack)

Nurgle "winged" demon prince WiP (custom jump pack)

More commission work, in this case a finecast nurgle demon prince. The customer wanted it "winged" but with a jump pack instead.  A few plastic tubes and the jets from the Valkyrie wingtip engines later, this is what I came up with.  I really like how it...
Nurgle Biker comission complete!

Nurgle Biker comission complete!

After a big push I finished all 9 bikes last night and hit them with varnish today.  Pretty happy with the progress I've made on my commissions. The only thing is I'm not getting very far with the Space Wolves but hey, I need the cash!Anyway, pics: Very happy...

I can’t get enough Star Trek Attack Wing.

So instead of going to bed, I've been up for the last hour or so watching Star Trek videos.  Not much to post about, still banging out the commissions for now.All I have to say is I can't wait for the U.S.S. Defiant to come out for Star Trek Attack Wing. I don't...