No time to post..

Not much has been going on other then painting Savage Orcs.  Last two weeks I've played my mobile Tau list and so far it's pretty good. The suits put out a lot more firepower then I was anticipating and Longstrike..well.just freaking awesome.I might try out...

Tau pure mobile list 1750pts

As promised, here is a mobile list I came up with that completely lacks any static units.  First to go was the Aegis, then the Fireblade.   Every unit in this list is either in a transport, jet pack (and thus can deepstrike) or outflank.  It you're...

Hobby Update: Savage Orcs

I've been working on my one big must-do project and that is getting my unit of Savage Orcs (and Savage Orc Warboss) painted.  The stumbling block has been the color. I didn't want the same blue I used on the rest of my army, but wanted a kinda hybrid Blue-Green...

Tournament cancelled; Hobby overload.

So sad, the tournament I was going to was cancelled due to lack of turnout. At least I didn't have to drive down there.  Still not happy, was really looking forward to it. Oh well.I spent the weekend staring at stuff. There is so much I want to do, that I'm...

1250pt Tau tournament list

Yay! I got permission to head on down to Ancient Wonders for a 1250pt tournament.  Just for fun, no entry fee and no prizes.  Love playing there though, I've always had good games.Just paring down my current list. I'm surprised how much of it I was actually...