Project Evil Sunz

I've been doing a lot of building this last week on my Evil Sunz Army/detachment. It's a project I want simply because I like how the Evil Sunz paint scheme looks, so I'd like to eventually have a whole army (or at least a battalion) of these guys. Plus with the codex...

The conundrom of the Darkshroud

I had my first game with the Darkshround and it's everything I could have hoped for. Against Tau it was nice making her use markerlights just to hit on 4+ again.The problem I have is with my list. I have 2 distinct parts. A firebase powered by Azrael, and a mobile...

Showcase: Ravenwing Darkshroud

Nice thing about painting Ravenwing is it's mostly black. Didn't take long to finish up the Darkshroud. I especially like the blue and gold window, really stands out in the overall Ravenwing pallet. I left the relic separate for transport, but I'm worried about how...

Next project up: Darkshroud

Now that I've finished my bunkers, and am at a very good spot with my Tau, time to do some Dark Angels.I was able to pick up a Darkshroud after being out of stock for months. I should note it was in stock for exactly 6 days before it's no longer available again.There...

Showcase: Kromlech Orc Dakka Bunkers

Very happy with these kits. Not only are they cheaper than the official GW model, but were very easy to put together, look great and are perfect for keeping stuff alive.    These might even end up in a battle report soon. Will be almost strange playing...