by spaguatyrine | Oct 16, 2013
By SpaguatyrineA nice look at a chaos warhound titan I won at Feast of Blades. The detail is amazing. I like ....I really like the pilots and the machine spirit of the titan. Strapin buddy.I AM THE GUNNER!I am really excitedabout this model....
by spaguatyrine | Oct 14, 2013
By SpaguatyrineDriving back from Denver, I thought I would send a quick update about Feast of Blades. I will do an in depth write up later. Quick hits: PositivesVery good event for multiple game systems.Great location.Good tough competition.Good judging.Fun...
by spaguatyrine | Sep 24, 2013
By SpaguatyrineThis past Saturday as I was driving up to Games 2 Die 4 to get in a practice game I noticed a ton of cars in the parking lot...At first I was like Yes!!! But then I realized there was a magic pre-release and was...
by spaguatyrine | Sep 12, 2013
By SpaguatyrineFeast of Blades is coming up next month and I am torn again on what to bring to the party. The new Space Marine Codex just came out and there are a ton of options. My Eldar/Tau list did very well at Nova as seen here.But I am torn as...
by spaguatyrine | Sep 6, 2013
By SpaguatyrineI walked up to the final championship table that had just two games earlier seen Justin Cook a virtual unknown beat Ben Mohlie, ETC member, and winner of WarGamesCon for The Nova Open Grand Tournament Championship, and the game before Where...