The Crimson Disciples – Begining Anew

So, I figured I'd chronicle my forray into a new army...... again. I posted about it several months ago, but never got around to starting it, but the time has come! The Crimson Disciples. Chaos Space Marines (using Codex Blood Angels) The first step in the creation of...

Apologies….. and an Update

So, a long time with no posts..... God I wish I had more time to keep up my Blog. I've taken a position as Manager of Good Games Montana (Like us on Facebook) and between that and my "Real" job as a Graphic Designer, my life is spread REALLY Thin. I'm sorry to every...

Haters Gonna Hate…..

So apparently I've got people that don't like me in a neighboring town because I was trying to give them advice on an army build they were working on.... At a tournament..... Where I took a FUN army..... and still placed higher than them..... Haters gonna hate....

Magic The Gatering…… What the $#@!

So, as goes along with the job fo working at a Game Store, I'm picking up other games... including one that I've not played in a long time. Magic The Gathering. Yeah, I used to be good at this game.... Now, I suck. So I'm doing what I always do.... Challenging myself....

The Armies Progress

Looks like a painting clinic is in order.... And surprisingly one of the guys is starting with a Drop Pod as his first model assembly..... AND GOT IT RIGHT! the doors open and everything. I was quite impressed. Anyhow. it's been a busy week and I'm lazy...