A League of their Own

So, Starting a League for new players for 40k. Rules: General Rules: NO ENTRY FEE! You are encouraged to start something new you haven't used before, or at least a small army you'd like to add to. Extra points this way! Contact information of some kind is required (so...

Dark Angels Revisited *Thanks Tim

AS GW Has so graciously given us the gift of a SEMI updated Dark Angels Codex..... We're Off and my personal favorite SM chapter gets to get back into the swing of things! Belial - Twin Claws Ezekiel Dread - Plasma Cannon & Missile Launcher Dread - Plasma Cannon &...

Back into the Swing of things for a new year.

Wow, busy season of ups and downs, I made a new year's resolution to be back into my blog, and to facilitate that I've picked up a part time job at a local games store handling all of their GW stuff. Good Games Montana is just starting to carry the GW product line and...

Cryx – Finding Combos

So, yes, I know that all the combos that have been found for WM are out there, around, but I like to take time to look at smaller stuff myself and see if I can figure it out for myself. So if this is redundant to you, well, sorry. So, I love the warwitch siren, Her...