AK Interactive – Tracks & Wheels

AK 47 is the tool, don’t make me act the motherfuckin’ fool. There are two big names in the scale modelling arena, AK Interactive, currently run by Fernando Vallejo Calleja, and Ammo run by Mig Jimenez. Seems there’s a whole truck load of pit beef...

A visitor’s guide to Manchester

For such a grubby city, it does look nice from high up. Manchester, birthplace of the industrial revolution, a city crisscrossed by canals and Victorian architecture, still proudly demonstrating to those who know where to look, the importance of this fair city in the...

Emperors Children Fellblade #3 – Weathering

Whatever I’ve done, I’ve been staring down the barrel of a gun. This is the final stage in modelling your fellblade or whichever tank you’re following along with, from raw resin straight outta the Forgeworld bags, through a nice neat paint job, and...

Jagged Visions – Event Horizon

A decaying orbit around Neptune isn’t somewhere you’d want to find yourself with an emotionally unstable physicist in tow. I’m 17 years old, I’ve just paid to go and see a film that looked for all the world like a cross between Predator and...

The Works Brushes. Workhorses on the Cheap

  This is the workhorse of the Imperium. Fuck all use for painting your kits though. This is a mini post, a stop gap after the Fellblade painting article while I figure out how the fuck I’m going to approach the weathering stages in text. I’ve...