Choosing A Legion: Word Bearers, with Carl Tuttle

There is, on the face of it, very little difference between the 30K Legions. Why would you choose one over the other? 90% of the units are the same if you’re a gamer, so is it a matter of aesthetics and picking your favourite colour? Even if you’re not a...

How To Paint Horus Heresy 30k Traitor Word Bearers

See that metallic sheen, that’s what you’ll end up with on your models at the end of this if you do it right. This is the second of my heresy era painting guides, think my paint’s too thick, you can fuck right off, as this doesn’t even use any...

Airbrush Guide Part 2 – Which Airbrush?

Follow this guide right, and you’ll have all the kit to paint a massive alien queen on the side of your Mum’s new Punto! So you’ve read up on what kind of compressor you need, and you know why you need one. Nice work. Next step’s the airbrush,...

Airbrush Guide Part 1- What Compressor?

Remember when Pris spray painted her eyes? Well, she couldn’t have done it without checking out Corehammer’s guide to airbrushing first, so read on! We’ve been asked again and again for info on airbrushing, where to start, what to buy, what you need,...

Wibbly wobbly timey wimey… stuff. 2015 already!

Happy New Year to everyone! I hope everyone had safe and happy holidays, and that everyone got plenty of minis to keep them going in 2015! Indeed I feel as though the TARDIS has dropped me off not knowing where the hell the last 12 months have gone. Mind you, if I had...