Defeating anti-scout tactics

Defeating anti-scout tactics

Are You Prepared?Well you should be! With the emergency of Khan giving scout to White Scars of all flavors, it is going to be inevitable that players are going to start employing anti-scout tactics to restrict your army.  Tactics reminding players how to defend...
Apothecaries with Special Equipment Debate

Apothecaries with Special Equipment Debate

Clearly DOW got this one rightHey Everyone.Time to discuss a controversial rules discussion in the new Space Marine Codex.   Can apothecaries purchase special equipment in the new Space Marine Codex?Why is this important?  Well who wouldn't want 5 Grav...
Winning the American Team Championship 2013

Winning the American Team Championship 2013

For those who are interested, I attended the American Team Championships this year (all the way back in August) because of not having the finances to afford coaching team America at the ETC.  Needless to say it was a blast... minus the whole grueling road trip...
New vs Old: Adapting my White Scars to 6th edition

New vs Old: Adapting my White Scars to 6th edition

Its been just under a month since the new codex came out and today was the first time I sat down and actually began reading the book and comparing new versus old.  Why so long?  Well I have been focusing on a different army for the Michigan GT which happened...
So I heard you wanted an entire Space Marine Chapter….

So I heard you wanted an entire Space Marine Chapter….

So for the low low price of $11,690.00, you can have an entire chapter of space marines.  Don't believe me, here is the link: going to bit at this golden opportunity to...