For those who are interested, I attended the American Team Championships this year (all the way back in August) because of not having the finances to afford coaching team America at the ETC.  Needless to say it was a blast... minus the whole grueling road trip and sleeping on the floor.

If you hate Tau and/or Eldar, please don't go any further... You have been warned.

At any rate, I was on Team Fluffy Bunnies and we devastated the competition. I rocked out the following Tau and Eldar build:

Commander with all the fixings
2x Riptides with ion accelerator and early warning override
2x Fire warrior squads with Devilfish that have smart missile systems and sensor spines
1x Fire Warrior squad
5x Piranahas
1x Skyrays with black sun filter
3x Broadsides with high yield missile pods, smart missile systems, early warning override, and 4x missile drones

Farseer on jetbike
2x Jetbike squads
8x Dark reapers with starshot missiles

2000 points

Before people start saying... "Why Brandon... Why?!?!?!"  Well a few reasons for this army.

1) We needed a build which could annihilate Flying MC builds.
2) We needed a solid defender list (I was thrown under the bus in every game to pull out bad matchups)
3) Tau was my second army and I have been playing bikes for about 4 years straight, so I needed a break.
4) New Codex Giddiness

For being either first or second defender in every game, I ended up with 3 wins, 1 draw, and 2 losses.  Not bad at all for never playing this army at such a top tier event  Picking the able is an amazing ability and I was able to play to all of my strengths. 

So with the release of the new Space Marine Codex, I now have access to 2 solid tournament builds to play around with.  The best part about it is that neither list is a "net build" and still is uniquely me.

If you are interested in learning more about my team's escapades during this event, I strongly encourage you to check Jim Yeh's battle reports located here.