Star Saga Corporate Space Marines

 The regular corp troopers from Star Saga.I with "The Color of Money Green" for the group which will make them easy to differentiate from the "Law Enforcement Blue" Security Guards and the "Mishima Red" Rangers... which I seem to have forgotten to include in the...

Build Day WiPs Kingdom Death

Even though the current projects on the painting desk need work I spend a bit of time building the next thing in the line.  Today its Kingdom Death.The first Kingdom Death model I've ever built is this Kingsman.  The model is very cool but I just chose it at...

Keshryii and her Centaur Troopers (SF ver)

 Keshryii from Raging Heroes is an amazing model. Her retinue, modeled in her own extreme image, is an example of powerful a personality she must be. Lust Elves are shape shifters.  the more powerful personalities among them determine the shapes of...

Dark Souls the Board Game Boss: Dancer of the Boreal Valley

The Dancer of the Boreal Valley is the third Boss from the core game  painted.  Leaving only three figures to complete the core game paint project.There is a lot of experimentation on this model.The Armor was sprayed Krylon Bronze the details were relatively...