Fast Panda Sci-Fi Food Truck ready to serve!

 I've finally rolled out the Fast Panda Sci-Fi Food Truck.  Its an Atenociti"s Workshop Kickstarter project and was worked up from a paper model.Although its "Designed for Infinity" I've included GW's Canoness Veridyan (WiP) for scale... and its primary...

WiPs in my temp paint space!

 The new temp paint space... the computer nook in the kitchen!yeah... not long term but, with the actual studio supplies not arriving until mid October... this gets me started! Speaking of getting started... I've been working on background narratives for my...

In the new digs

Blogger seems to hate my ipad!It locks up when I try to add pictures....doh!Anyway!I've been in Alaska a bit over a week... my stuff won't get here until sometime in October.... double Doh!I have to say some good words about a couple of companies that were very...

Legacy Servitors, Sanctioned Psykers, and a Heroquest Ogre

 These were a pile of minis that I found in a box of WiP stuff that I got as part of a bulk buy of Imperial Guard way back in the day.. either 2nd or 2.5 edition 40k ... I think... anyway it was a very long time ago!I rediscovered them while unpacking random...

Its Life Jim! Forward Base KS terrain

 This was a fun project and might not be completed!the "Its Life Jim" add on to the Forward Base Kickstarter from Antenocitis Workshop is cast in clear resin.The colors are intended to underscore the Science Fiction feel of the models so are in an unusual...