Carnevale French Vatican Guard

 I finished the Big Unpack yesterday... finished is of course a relative statement and there are a few odds and ends that will slowly ease into their new spots.... but the main work of unpacking is done!That means today I got to spend some time working IN the...

More Raging Heroes TGG arrives!

 UPS showed up at the house a few minutes ago with another big pile of the Toughest Girls in the Galaxy (TGG) from the first Raging Heroes Kickstarter!We've been looking for this box for a while and it's anticipated arrival has been a huge motivating factor in my...

The Big Unpack

The Household goods arrived and I've been frantically unpacking the whole house.  Its going pretty well and I'm on pace to be working in the Studio again this weekend.  That'll be the fastest unpack yet!I've been pretty motivated since the minis are here and...

Carneval Vatican

I was playing around with these Vatican minis and something pretty cool happened.  I mean I love the retro feel of these things and am coming to really like the actual game they are associated with!So look at these two pictures and see what happens... We are bad...