by The Harrower | Aug 9, 2013
A lot more pics are making the rounds and the current batch of pictures look fantastic! Except for the Centurions as the jury is still out, but the Devastator Centurions do look a LOT better (pics of them below).Here we have the new plastics for the Chaplain, Captain,...
by The Harrower | Aug 8, 2013
Pictures of the new Space Marine Centurions and the Space Marine AA Tank the Stalker are starting to make their rounds. Personally, I think the Space Marine Centurions look ridiculous at least in yellow. I'll reserve final judgement until I see better pics and the...
by The Harrower | Jul 27, 2013
Welcome to another installment of Quick Tips. When working on painting a unit or army for 40K, one of the most important things to keep in mind that a lot of people forget, is to keep a consistent color scheme throughout your entire army. There is nothing worse than...
by The Harrower | Jul 20, 2013
Today's post is going to be a bit different. Normally I focus on things that are a bit more hobby related, but I was inspired by this post over on the Spikey Bits blog entitled Is This The End of the Space Marine Era? I'm not going to rehash...
by The Harrower | Jul 11, 2013
This is a new series I'll be running on my blog that I'm calling Quick Tips. If you've read any of my previous tutorials they are usually pretty long and involved and often span multiple posts. Quick Tips are mini tutorials or short pieces of advice for the wargaming...