The Cardinal Rule of Painting

I had a rare opportunity last week and was fortunate to have the week off of school. One would think I would be working on my E Tenebrae Lux 2013 vow, but I was drawn in another direction. I did a conversion of Mephiston back in October that I posted over on...

Sternguard Update, How I Paint Red, Kill Team Report

Well, I didn't get all my Sternguard finished, but I did a pretty good job on my Sergeant, Brother Tyrael. Yes, I named all my models and I'm a dork. I also had a chance to touch up my mini display board. I need to push the highlights on this miniature a bit more and...

E TENEBRAE LUX 2013: Sternguard

It's that time of the year again when Bolter & Chainsword hosts it's annual painting competition between the various Space Marine Chapter subforums to see which forum can paint the most models by points. The contest is closed to new entrants, but I did sneak in to...

Desert Terrain Photos

Holy geez! I can't believe I haven't posted in 6 months. I won't bore you with all the details, but a lot has happened in my personal life. Among other things I've been busy with school, won my first 40K Tournament, had 2 surgeries, and most importantly of all I added...

The Hobbit Review

Been quite some time Battle Brothers! Sorry I haven't posted in such a long time, but I had a lot of things going on that I was trying to juggle and the blog kinda fell on the wayside. I won't bore you with details, but I needed a break from blogging. I'm still in the...