E TENEBRAE LUX: Painting Challenge

Man, does time fly. I've been holed up playing 6th Edition and working on my entry for the E TENEBRAE LUX painting challenge from over on Bolter and Chainsword. It's a cool thing the forum does every once in awhile where the different chapters from the various...

Warhammer 40K 6th Edition: Rules Dump

Rumor posts aren't really my thing. Granted in our Gaming Club I'm the one that gets all of the dirt on the newest releases, I just don't usually blog about them because of formatting and other people, like Natfka, do a much better job than I could ever do. I know a...

Warhammer 40K 6th Edition Cover Leaked!!!

The cover for the new rulebook leaked earlier today and as I thought, the Dark Angels seem to be the new poster boys for 40K. This is a welcome change as I'm really not a fan of the Ultramarines and Dark Angels players really do deserve it.There been a lot of rumors...

Resin Casting: 1 Part Molds

I apologize for the brief hiatus. School has been keeping me really busy, but I have been squeezing in hobby time here and there. My latest projects have me working on casting as I have chosen Necrons as my second amy, but I don't want to pay a ton of money for...

Fixing Wobbly Model Syndrome

How many times when you play 40K do your miniatures end up like the picture on the left? Do you lay your models down and say, "They are right here!" in frustration? A couple guys in our club that play Tyranids and Orks (go figure!) do this more often than...