Two-Headed Giant Tournament (1,000 Points • 22 Days Left)

So I'll be playing in my first tournament at Adventure Games in Dickson City, PA on July 24th. This tournament is a Warhammer 40K Two-Headed Giant Tournament. Here's the rundown on the rules.WHEN: Saturday, July 23rd (Army Lists are due Tuesday, July 19th)WHERE:...

Warhammer 40K 6th Edition: Part 2

Last time, I talked about some changes I'd like to see in the next edition of 40K. These aren't rumors or anything like that, this is me flexing my Game Designer muscles and just talking about the current state of 40K and what I'd like to see change in the next...

Spring Cleaning

I have a lot of models laying around the house and my wife has been bugging me to get rid of some stuff so I started a bunch of auctions up on eBay. A lot of these are models I meant to put together, but I never did. You can see all of my current auctions here. If...

Tournament Aftermath

Solidsnizzle invokingthe Gods of Chaos.Last Saturday was the 40K Tournament at Adventure Games in Dixon City, PA. Turns out that Jawaballs and Fritz didn't show, but there was a good turn out nonetheless. I didn't want to do my Blood Angels a disservice and play my...