How to Rebase Miniatures

I've recently caught up with my freelance backlog having finished off some miniatures for Megacon Games MERCS: Recon Kickstarter. For those that are curious I included a pic below. If you pledged for the 3 Drone Minis add on, this is what you are going to get. I'm...

Harlequins Compiled PDF Preview

All right all you Juggalos and Juggalettes! It's time to queue up Insane Clown Posse and Wicked Clowns as today sees the preorder of the new Harlequins Codex.As usual when a Codex goes on preorder there is a bunch of new eye candy to take in including new images as...

Starweaver/Doomweaver leaked (aka Clown Car)!

I've never been a big fan of the Harlequins (unless we're talking the Joker's chick), but I know people really dig them so I'll repost them here for everyone. I have to say, the models are pretty cool. Probably not something I'll pick up, but I like the action poses...

Base Comparisons: 25mm and 32mm

I'm back from Pennsylvania and my Deathstorm Boxed Set was here waiting for me. The campaign is well put together and seems like it will be fun to play through, but I'll talk more about Shield of Baal in a future post. For now I wanted to focus on the new 32mm bases...

New Blood Angel/Flesh Tearer Formations

I had to drive across the country back to PA so I've been out of the loop for the past few days. I finally broke down and picked up the digital version of the Blood Angels Codex as I'm still waiting on my Sanguinary Guard Edition to come in. My initial read through...