Final Blood Angels Rules Dump

This is it. My final "preview" post on the new Blood Angels Codex. This gives us a really good picture of what to expect come release. If you are stuck on a forum or Facebook group that's fallen to the Black Rage, stop on over at The Bolter and Chainsword's Blood...

Spanish version of the Blood Angels Codex leaked!

Iuchiban has the Spanish version of the Blood Angels Codex and was doing a Question and Answer thread over on Warseer.I reformatted everything and posted below for your perusal. I also added it to my Blood Angels Compiled MEGA Post. Here's what we know:Army...

Blood Angels Compiled PDF Preview

Update: I updated the link. Apparently all the traffic broke my Dropbox!Just in case you aren't keeping up with my "Blood Angels: Compiled MEGA Post!!!" I created a 55 page PDF which compiles previews from: Blood Angels Codex: iBooks Interactive Edition, Blood Angels...