The Warlock: An Unexpected Hiatus

Hahahaha...ha.Sorry for an absence but I moved places and had to wait a while for my interwebs to be connected.Apologies for any inconvenience...wait? There's no inconveniences? Sweetness.Haha,It's good to be back :D

Video Game Thought: ESO, levying and priorities

Hey All,A good virtual buddy of mine, James, aka Beat Ronin was talking about ESO and paying to play a while back. Having thought about what he said in that post, I've decided to cancel my sub to ESO. Why?I don't really feel like paying $15 a month, $42/3months or...

Madness? Yeah, probably

Hey All,Warlock hereLooks like GW's upping the ante with the release of the wood elves (finally) and giving a much-needed rejuvenation to a long neglected army. It'll only be a matter of time before Bretonnia, beastmen and hopefully, hopefully Sisters of Battle are...