Derp It Yerself: Breaking…er Making the mold Part two

Derp It Yerself: Breaking…er Making the mold Part two

Last time on Derp It Yerself, I covered the first part in basic custom base mold-making which was to design something on top of a base using green stuff (or equivalent). As per the last part, this attempt at a guide can be extrapolated beyond base-making (although if...

Welcome to my domain, enter if you dare

Last week I came to a realisation that I could pour a great deal more effort into this blog and myself in order to improve. As a result of that realisation and some advice from Certs (over at Certs-tabletop) I have renamed this blog and am in the process of giving it...
The Warlock goes historical…sorta

The Warlock goes historical…sorta

Greetings weary internet travelers!Not much in the way of hobby content has happened of late, mostly due to a certain lemon-hander-outerer known as "Life" getting in the way. No matter though as sleep deprivation = lack of judgement = me finally getting into the...
DIY: Derp It Yerself (Ya Dumbass)

DIY: Derp It Yerself (Ya Dumbass)

Well that could've gone better >.>; Hahaha. Today is one of those days where you just laugh at yourself, because you're a dumbass. I'm a firm believer that you don't have to be drunk to act drunk. All in a day's work. Stuffed up true to form so no-one can ever...