Tutorial: Speed Painting Daemons For Quality Part 3

Tutorial: Speed Painting Daemons For Quality Part 3

TJ here to continue and finish this three part series on Speed Painitng for Quality. Part 1 debuted on Dec. 8, Part 2 on Dec. 10. I am currently at sea on a Naval vessel and scheduled this a lon ime ago, so I cannot link those right now, so if you are interested in...
Tutorial: Speed Painting Daemons for Quality Part 2

Tutorial: Speed Painting Daemons for Quality Part 2

TJ here with Tutorial number 2 for Speedpainting Daemons for a quality finish, unlike stereotypical speedpainting, which usually looks terrible. I recenlty painted up 20 horrors and 20 plague bearers in 8 hours, roughly 2 hours per squad (though I painted them all at...
Tutorial: Speed Painting Daemons for Quality Part 1

Tutorial: Speed Painting Daemons for Quality Part 1

TJ here with a tutorial that is geared toward not just Speedpainting Daemons (or anything else really fleshy), but speedpainting for quality. A lot of people see speedpainting and immediately just think "Crap" but it doesn't have to be that way. Recently, I painted up...
Need a Free LOS Blocking Peice of Terrain?

Need a Free LOS Blocking Peice of Terrain?

TJ here to talk about something our friend Dave Weston at Confessions of a 40k Addict has brought to life for free - a 3d Building Template, scaled to 40k that will certainly block LOS and can be found and printed for free, well, for whatever it cost you for the...