Turning a Toy into a 40k Model Part 2: Soul Grinder from Hell!

Turning a Toy into a 40k Model Part 2: Soul Grinder from Hell!

TJ back again to talk about turning a toy into a 40k model with my Todd McFarlane Spawn/ Soul Grinder mash-up! I'm going to pick right up from the last article where we finished by fixing the toy's pose with glue, so let's get right to it.Step 5: Fill GapsOnce you fix...
Hi-Tech Obliterator Alternatives Painted!

Hi-Tech Obliterator Alternatives Painted!

TJ here with a ton of photos of my Oblits which were made from the original three Hi-Tech Miniatures Terrorizer models (now I believe there are three more additional models). These models are a lot nicer than the GW models and make great oblits. I painted them up in...