#TerrainTuesday – Rocky Roads and Terrain Deliciousness

Holy Crap on a cracker!!  Two consecutive weeks of terrain progress!?!?!?!?  I fear I may be turning into some sort of organised gamer / hobbyist, a thought which fills me with apprehension.  What if it's not content to remain safely constrained within the bounds...

Painting Update – Getting High

.... On Elves!! Earlier this year I decided to paint up a couple of random High Elf Archers for a bit of a laugh. Truth be told, I have a decent chunk of elves sitting in (various) cupboards but I've never gotten around to painting them... until now.Want to read...

#TerrainTuesday – Green to the power of Blarg!

Yay! Finally another blog article has emerged from the near-infinite singularity that is my brain.  I'm sure you'll be as glad as I am to know that this article comes complete  with a wholesome, condensed, multi-layered serving of crazy..... assuming your...

WoC Update – Khorney One-Liners

So it turns out that I absolutely cannot walk away from a bargain. especially when that bargain is Warhammer related.  I found a pair of old Chaos Chariots going for cheap and I decided that I just HAD to have them.  Chariots in the new book are quite amazing as a...

#TerrainTuesday – You got bush?

For all those wonderfully perverted hopefuls out there, the picture shown above has no relation at all to what I'm writing about.  Got you to click on the link though didn't it?  No, the retro bush I'm referring to is an old modelling technique used by...