Batman Update: The Masked Man

There are few villains that have inspired me more-so than Bane.  It seems that the more I learn about him, the more I am inspired by him hobby-wise.  When I initially ordered by League of Shadows game, the Tom Hardy Bane was my immediate next purchase before also...

Batman Update: Crikey!! Killer Croc Emerges

Pic done by the very talented grimbro over at Deviantart.  The other week I found an offer on one of the various Facebook Buy / Swap / Sell groups that specialise in Batman Minis.  Specifically it was for Killer Croc who was NIB.  Eager to see how the big lug would go...

Batman Update: Bringing Colour to the Shadows

Stolen from dribble.comIn what seems to be a mass-burst of hobby mojo, I've started painting my League of Shadows gang and have been pleasantly startled at the speed that they're coming together.  The initial hesitation I'd normally feel when I approach a...

Batman Update: Raising Gotham

With my efforts in painting miniatures bearing considerable fruit, it was time to get started on building an actual gaming table to play on.  BMG runs an unusual table size (at least unusual for me) of 90cm x 90cm which is a bit of a departure from the old 4’ x 4’...

Batman Update: A League of our own

Stolen from the local enthusiasm for Batman at an all time high, I wanted to organise an event for the local gamers to encourage them to get involved and immerse themselves in the hobby.  The aim of this was two-fold – to...