My X-Wing repainted Bounty Hunters Firespray-31’s

My X-Wing repainted Bounty Hunters Firespray-31’s

As always I like doing something that's different and unique, and over last weekend I attended an X-Wing tournament. So with that in mind it was about time that I made my models look more individual on the day. From start to finish this only took about an hour,...

Some Ork Big Choppa Nob Conversions

It has been a little bit quiet over recent weeks on my blog, but it's probably been the busiest time in my hobby for some while, and below is one of the most recent  projects I have just finished, for a tournament I attended last weekend. I'm sure I can say this...

My New Orks Aegis Defence Line

I have a number of hobby projects currently on my hobby desk at the minute, and I know that I am late to the party in regards to defence lines, so make sure to check out all the pictures below to see what I have been working on. I didn't have a lot of time to spare...