by uniteallaction | Nov 3, 2012
So following on from my last post, this model actually date's back a few years now, but it's only quite recently that I managed to get it finished, and no one can say that it's not inkeeping with a 40k Ork theme.So there you have it short and sweet another project...
by uniteallaction | Oct 26, 2012
Everyone just assumes that orks is a very simple thing by putting things completely at random, and to a extent they are completely right, although you will find that over time you will want to refine your skills. And there is no better place to start with your own ork...
by uniteallaction | Oct 24, 2012
It's always nice to have a centrepiece of any 40k army, and for me it's no exception, and this Forge world Totem Pole, sadly no longer available. As you can see it represents 3 colours of my clan's that I play with, (Red) speed freaks,(yellow) bad moons and finally...
by uniteallaction | Oct 22, 2012
Do you fancy checking out Northern Ireland's newest hobby blog? Well a big well done to David Kane, and over the next few weeks he will be posting some of his previous and current projects. Which will include imperial guard and WFB elves and some of his...
by uniteallaction | Oct 21, 2012
So over the last couple of weeks I've been spending a little bit more time on this project, and with a tournament hopefully in December, I am keen to get them finished, and ready for the tabletop, but as always I like to put my own stamp on things and make mine a...