Thank You All For 50.000 Total Pageviews

So today has been a rather special day, that I have reached over 50,000 page hits, which is absolutely fantastic.So as always a big thank you to everyone that has enjoyed my blog for over two years now.When I first started I was quite intimidated,  and it took me...

My Orks Big Gunz Conversions Kannon

I did these a little time ago, and I am only getting around to getting them on my blog today. No respecting ork warboss worth his salt would leave home, without 9 of these bad boys.So the conversions themselves are straightforward to do, as you see in the pictures. I...

More Progress Of My Converted Nob Bikers.

So with no opponent to play tonight with my local gaming group it give me a little bit more time to spend on these Nob's, so it's time for another updateIt's the first time these guys have been together and they are looking quite menacing.So now the boss has something...

My New Warboss And Nob Bike’s Conversions

With 40k 6th edition released there's no better time to start nob bikers, accompanied with a new war boss. So with that in mind I started converting more of these bad boys to add to my collection. So below you will see some of the most recent pictures I have taken of...