
I gone into my local GW store a couple of days ago and got orkdified. Played 2k points of my guard against 2k points of boys, a squad of nobs and one squad of lootas or to that matter. The game took 3 hours to play; to long for my taste because we only went through 2...

"Howling Thunder"

This is my 171st Cadian Regiment all together for the first time. I finally have all my models that I generally use completely painted. YEAAHH :) In my regiment is 25 Harakoni Warhawk Stormtroopers, 30 Medusan Veterans, 20 Cadian Kasrkin Veterans, a 46 Cadian platoon...

War Trophies

I was listening to a recent episode of The OVERLORDS podcast and heard a good segment about modelling war trophies on figures and reflected on what htey were saying. Having trophies are cool and show what your army has gone up against. This can also display fluff for...

1st Griffon Commandos

I was finally able to finish Harker and his 1st Griffon Commando Squad. I have Harker represented as a Harakoni Grunt. In his squad are two Harakoni light riflemen, a Medusan female riflemen, and 7 Catachan representing a Missile launcher team and 3 snipers. I used...

My new models

I am building some new models right now. I am working through a Manticore/Deathstrike kit, a valkyrie, 5 stormtroopers and a veteran squad. The Veteran Squad (Harker unit) I mentioned before are almost finished. All I need to paint up now is Harker himself. I finished...