Blood Angels – Knights of Blood – WIP

Starting to paint the squad according to my existing scheme which is a black primer followed by my custom mix for the dark metal armour. For the red I am using  a base colour of Scab Red. The layer for the red is Mephiston Red then using Balor Brown and dark...

Blood Angels – Knights of Blood – WIP

I have been wanting to continue expanding my Blood Angels army for a long time now but like so many hobby projects this year, other things intervene.This squad is armed for close combat with mostly chain-sword and bolt pistols, I have also included some heavier...

Ogre Hut – Terrain – Finished

Painting the Ogre hut began as with most of my terrain projects with a primer of black spray, followed by a base colour of leather brown for the hides and a darker brown for the fur roof.I then drybrushed the hides with a lighter brown, then a final drybrush of...

Ogre Hut – Terrain – WIP

I have been wanting to make this piece of terrain for a long time now but never seem to get around to it until now that is. It is based on the article from the fantastic book 'How to Make Wargames Terrain' from Games Workshop.I used an empty plastic yogurt tub as the...