Betrayal at Calth – Sons of Horus – Pre Heresy – WIP

The Betrayal at Calth box set is still providing difficult decisions for me with respect to which legion to go with. The options I explored in a previous post were Sons of Horus, Night Lords and Alpha Legion as a long shot, I am no closer than I was then.Looking...

Plastic Soldier Company 1/72 German SdKfz251 D – WIP

I am working on more 1/72 scale stuff with a World War icon that everybody surely loves.. the German halftrack.This model from PSC is great all-round, relatively cheap as you get 3 vehicles plus crew and some weapon options like adding the Pak 36.For this batch of...

40k – Minotaurs – Multi Melta Conversion – Painted

After priming  the model in black I then base-coat with Warplock Bronze. Next I painted a layer of Brazen Brass followed by a generous wash of Coelia Greenshade.I then applied a drybrush of Brazen Brass followed by a wash of my custom made verdigris mix. Lastly a...

40k – Multi-Melta – Conversion

First post for 2016 and I thought it would be nice to catch up with some old ideas I had from previous years.I have been sitting on numerous bits, like most of you, for a long time saying to myself I want to do this and then that etc etc. Now is the time to actually...