Grey Knights : Dreadnought #3

As I grew tired from the Tau, Dark Angels and Salamanders project, I painted this awesome model. Armed with twin linked auto cannons and instant killing some screamers, this model will surely see a lot of Daemon-busting action in near future. Soon, Mr. Laskulas you...

Tau Empire : The second Devilfish

With the Tournament in just two weeks away I finished the second Devilfish. I bought it from a friend and it was in a really bad condition. It took me the best part of the day just to tear it apart, clean up all the glue, file and correct all the imperfections and...

Angels Sanguine :Death Company

waiting the Dark Angels Codex I painted those 3 Death Company Assault Marines. Recent play-testing proved that the Storm Ravens can’t always deliver their deadly cargo into the enemy lines. I played with two storm ravens with 8 Death Company Astartes in each of them...

Tau Empire : Devilfish

I just finished the first Devilfish for my Tau army. This model used to fill up my ''failed project'' box but now it can take a place in my collection and more important in my roster. Now I only need one more Devilfish (is already WiP) 4 pathfinders and some shield...

Salamanders : Third Tactical Squad (60% Complete)

The tactical squad is already halfway finished. Two more bolters and a flamer are joining my Drop Pod Army List. Now I only need 3 more bolters and a Combi Flamer armed Sergeant left to finish. Well, of course I have to finish the Devilfish I am painting and three...