Cadian Castellan Completed

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 My first Cadian Castellan is completed. I say first because this was such a great model with so many options and characters I am sure I will paint another Cadian Castellan in the future.   Completed Gallery These were taken with...

Painting New Cadian Shock Troops – My New Method

Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutes I used the crew from the Cadian Field Ordnance Batteries to test this method for painting the new Cadian Shock Troops. I needed to try this method before rolling it out onto the new Cadian models I have.   Painting New Cadian...

Cadians vs Grey Knights – 1,500 Points

Approximate Reading Time: 8 minutes This Cadians vs Grey Knights game is for a league at Boards and Swords, but not this league I am in. This is for a 40-player league split into four divisions of ten players. The top players of each division will play off for a final...

Cadians vs Orks – 1,500 Points

Approximate Reading Time: 4 minutes This Cadians vs Orks game is for a league at Boards and Swords, but not this league I am in. This is for a 40-player league split into four divisions of ten players. The top players of each division will play off for a final winner...

Ursula Creed Complete

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 I have Usrula Creed done! Big thanks to Chris at The Unrelenting Brush for painting her for me. Chris provides a high-quality and fast commission painting service. He also does painting workshops and 1-on-1 painting tuition. Completed...

40K: Bought Cadia Stands But Don’t Want A Cadian Army?

 As mentioned in my last post, I am thinking of using the new Cadians as a different Regiment.I must admit, these videos from former GW painter 'Peachy' have provided some inspiration.As I move forward, I'll be looking at some Tanith Troopers to go with the...