Cadians Vs Drukhari – 2022 League – 2,000 pts

Approximate Reading Time: 6 minutes My ninth and final game of the 2022 League is underway, and this is 2,000 points of Cadians Vs Drukhari! The full details and results of the 2022 League can be found here. This game was played at Boards and Swords. Cadian List This...

40K: Imperial Guard Big Guns

I couldn't resist it.  Despite the model seeming slightly corny to my eyes, the discount available online meant I couldn't resist it.Biggest bugbear?  That multipart base!I only had time to put together one of the two Rogal Dorns I bought.  It's a...

40K: More Necromunda Transport

I'll admit.  I was weak.Due to being away, I spend less so have a little more for more expensive toys, hence the Necromunda Ironcrawler to add to my Praetorian transport pool.  Maybe this can carry the Command Squad for the Platoon in the Cargo 8 train.Green...

40K: Praetorian Ordnance 3 – Bringing It Together

 Even though it takes some doing, I was quite happy with the removal of the unneeded bits from the crew.The crew transfer across well from their old 2nd Ed weapons.  They will be painted separately from the weapons and then glued into place...

40K: Praetorian Ordnance 2 – The Crew

 You've seen the new guns, meet the usual suspects.Across the years, I've picked up a fair few Heavy Weapon crews without the actual Heavy Weapons, normally if I've snap bought a job lot of figures.  I find the mortar operator and lascannon aimer with his...

40K: Praetorian Ordnance 1 – The Guns

Whilst I'm looking forward to grabbing the Rogal Dorn tanks, I will readily admit that the new kit I was most looking forward to is the new Field Ordnance models.I received one kit as part of the Cadia Stands box and eBayed another set.  The Malleus launcher...