40K: Praetorian Ordnance 1 – The Guns

Whilst I'm looking forward to grabbing the Rogal Dorn tanks, I will readily admit that the new kit I was most looking forward to is the new Field Ordnance models.I received one kit as part of the Cadia Stands box and eBayed another set.  The Malleus launcher...

League Trophies Completed

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 For the 2022 League I am in, we are all painting nine trophies each from our army. A helmet, a weapon, a shield, a shoulder pad, etc. Our Warlords will then be adorned with these trophies as the game progress. My completed trophies...

Victoria Miniatures: Halfling Snipers

Fresh from a 3d printer come the Kickstarter Halfling Snipers from Victoria Miniatures.Of course, I updated my pledge to include the pith helmet heads that came in both male and female flavour.  The KS also included a Bambo Bullroar figure. He's a kind of...

Wargames Atlantic: Female Cannon Fodder

I was recently back home for a flying visit and made a stab at the Hobby Mountain and the next run of posts will show what I was up to.First up was an initial ten Cannon Fodder from the latest box of female figures.  These are more generic Penal Convicts to add...

Hobby Streak – Road to 700 Days

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 And so, another Hobby Streak of 100 days is completed; this one took me from October 19th to January 28th. 700 Days on a Hobby Streak My goals for this Hobby Streak were to do one of the following for the Rule of Cool; Crassus...

Cadians vs Necrons – New Codex – 2,000 Points

Approximate Reading Time: 5 minutes This was my first game of 2023, an Open Play game using the new Guard Codex against the Necrons. This game was at Boards and Swords in Derby. Cadians 2,000 Points List Cadian Battalion Detachment Command Points Superior Tactical...