Christmas Consolidation

To finish the great hobby year of 2023 we've put our heads down and charged through a spree of commission painting - several previously completed detachments have now received freshly-painted reinforcements in the form of elite infantry and monstrous war machines!...

Un peu de Zombicide pendant qu’il pleut…

 Bonjour à tous ! Les articles sont à désirer en ce moment, c'est comme ça, d'autres occupations aussi prennent le dessus... Mais comme il y a un peu de vent et de pluie en ce moment, c'est le moment pour rouvrir mes boites de Zombicide 1ère et 2ème édition !J'ai...

Quest for the Man-Meat Pie

Watch out for the Skeletons!The Great Pumpking, the acting mayor of the cursed city of Saint Thracius, has had his favourite recipe of Man-Meat Pie stolen. The spy witnesses on the streets report the treasure has been taken outside the city walls and into the darkness...

Echoes of Thracia, Act III Results and Coverage

This time in the Echoes of Thracia campaign the front line formations had lost contact with the High Command. Therefore the active battle groups had to re-establish the chain of command via an acting Superior elevated from their ranks. They were given the authority to...

‘Tis The Season

Halloween and our traditional spooky Age of Sigmar gaming eve approach and dark forces are on the move! Another adventure in the Realm of Shadow awaits and the gloomy streets of Saint Thracius once again thirst for blood - whatever perils await our heroes this time,...

Knights of the Sound Table

This time on the War Head commission front we take a look at a Slaaneshi Renegade Knight host, produced in the immortal example of the Emperor's Children (and the heretic Noise Marines in particular). The usual pink armour colour is complemented by royal gold, stylish...