WeeMen at Titan Owners Club UK Walk 2024

Last weekend Lord TITANium and myself attended the UK Titan Owners Club main Walk, with over 150 God Engines and numerous Knights battled over 4 battle mats in two Halls. Great fun was had all weekend, and we look forward to the next Titan Walk!The motley bunch of...

PRO ACRYL (Monument Hobbies) – First look

Autumn has come, so it's time to get back to my hobby. Long evenings are not conducive to outdoor activities, so my gravel bike is used less during this period. For this reason, I decided to take a look at the recently popular PRO ACRYL paints from Monument...

Dreadtober, chapter 4

This weekend I pushed on with the freehand patterns and chipping. Sadly the brush hade taken some damage from painting with dried out paints so it could not hold a tip as well as it used to. So some of the detailed work, such as the emblem and stars are not as crisp...

Dreadtober 2024 – Cerastus Knight Lancer Progresses

Hello Dreadtober-teers, progress is happening with the Cerastus Knight Lancer, base is finished and endo-skeleton is basecoated, needs more details finishing.I actually am waiting on three Taro Modelmaker solid in-fill shields for the three Lancers I have but for now...

Dreadtober, chapter 3

Well, isn't this the project that just keeps on giving. After sorting the issues with the missing pieces I got everything base sprayed black, and just as I was about to start laying down the base for the rusted metal I realized that the paints had dried out. And I do...

Zabij drużyny zrobione!

 Powiem wam szczerze, że nie jestem pewien jakości tego malowania, ale... #perfekcyjnewrogiemskonczonegoto ostatnio moja dewiza w natłoku modeli, obowiązków i innych przyjemności. Tak więc podczas gdy moja partnerka siedziała obok mnie w mojej pracowni i...