Continuing a Love/Hate relationship…

 o/I haven't even cracked open the book yet.I bought this on a whim as the FLGS had it discounted. I also got the free mini that came with it, that of Medal of Honor recipient Francis S. Currey. I may pick up the new and finally in plastic winter US infantry, or...

Thunderer Struck! (Part 1)

 Here is the next unit of my recently acquired second-hand Warhammer Fantasy Dwarves to receive my attention. I have already updated their bases from 20mm to 25mm.Rebased.Like the previous unit, I intend to just paint over the existing paint job. Weirdly, this...

The Deadly Assassins (Part 9)

The Deadly Assassins return! The sort of annual-ish feature where I paint up an Imperial Assassin. Somehow I skipped last year, but this year I'm (sort of) catching up by doing two-in-one with this odd-ball model. Admittedly this post should really be called the...