Necron Dynasty – Ophydian Destroyers w/ Plasmacyte

Hello All, thanks for dropping by. The latest addition to the Dynasty is a squad of Ophydian Destroyers.Ophydian Destroyers echo elements of servile Canoptek Wraiths and reviled Flayed Ones in their murder-optimised bodies. Tunnelling through solid ferrocrete with...

A short break

I decided to take the a little break from painting Trolls this week. I may be on a deadline but I'm chugging along nicely with the army as a whole and I needed a bit of a pallete cleanser.I'm also waiting on a few more models to arrive before my final push on the...

The Santa Dwarves Demise (Part 3)

Finally, I have finished this unit. But before I celebrate that,  let's get to know Bluebeaed. And here is Bluebeard, the Champion who leads the former Santa Regiment. Adorned in garish color choices, most of which are metallic, and a crude attempt at...

NOVA 2024 Locked in

 NOVA 2024 is only a week away and I'm all done with my prep. Which included painting up a whole army and retrofitting a display I was planning on taking last year but didn't happen do to health. So I made up what I needed for a 3k list and started on making...

Il-Kaithe Dark Reaper

 o/Death from afar!Progress was a little slow this past week. I caught a little 24 hour bug, I turned 49 which was unrelated to feeling ill (no, seriously), basically the typical real life stuff. Nonetheless there has been some painting progress. As you can see...