20 Termagants (Part 1)

 These are the twenty termagants that came with the Space Marine II board game.  Despite being pushfit models, they still took a bit of time to assemble. I glued these critters together using a liquid plastic cement as I'm not keen on the notion of having...

2 PHIG missile teams and a Psyker are complete!

 o/Sorcery-in-progress!This week I have an update on the slow progress of my Pointy Helmeted Imperial Guardsmen (PHIGs). I painted up a pysker, and finally finished two of the three missile teams for the heavy weapons squad (I can only do two at a time as I'm...

Legio Astorum – Reaver Titan Gatling Blasters

Welcome Titan-seers, thanks for dropping by, here is Reaver Titan 'Aquila Occulus' re-armed with a couple of additional weapons I purchased, two Gatling Blasters for multi-barrel boom!The Gatling Blasters are mid-range multiple barrel, mid strength guns compared to...

Little Dudes

 Long ago, Adeptus Titanicus was the first Games Workshop product I ever bought. It was quickly followed up by a purchase of the newly released Space Marine a few weeks later. A grand introduction to the fledgling Warhammer 40K universe. I have purchased and...

Building – Done!

 Hello one and all!Sorry for the delay - its been a crazy few weeks, with big plans.. more next week..This weeks offerings is a TTCombat building, completed in the same style as the other buildings, with textured paint, followed by greys and browns. The model was...

Star Wars Legion Mudtroopers

 o/My apologies for the crummy lighting & backdrop,it is usually just about dark when I get home (or raining outside). This week I've been trying to finish off the menagerie of half painted minis that have been loitering on my desk for the past few...