My 2022 retrospective, and a bit of looking forward into 2023

It has been quite an odd year for me.  With the new child and long commute to and from work, I did not get as many opportunities for gaming as I usually do, but still pushed myself to try some new things and move my hobby status forward. Let's start with some...

The Dice Gods Are Hungry! 2022-12-22 07:35:00

 The dice gods have been hibernating.....Well they must have been, or the real world decided to take over my life 8 years ago and I forgot all about this blog!  One of those scenarios is true....oops!Even weirder, I only rediscovered this blog whilst...

Sláine 4 – Skull Sword Champions

Today we have MORE skull swords for the Sláine project. This time a pair of champions. One from the new Warlord range, and one far older fellow, an OOP sculpt from Foundry whose time has come at last.This guy had resided in my box of 2000AD minis for many years, with...

On the Sisters of Battle and Female Space Marines…

One of the perennial debates of the hobby is whether or not there should be female Space Marines. To me, the answer is some mix of “Obviously yes” and “Belisarius Cawl is sitting right there”. But leaving that aside, one of the common...

1313th, Prepare for Boarding Actions!!

 After 10 long years transiting the warp and with ample chance to rearm and prepare their war gear the 1313th Lignum Iugo is now on deployment to investigate the hulk known as the Gallowdark.After what seems an age and with the new cadians on the way I’ve decided...

Five Parsecs Turn 6: Money For Nothing

A combination of being busy and being sick has meant missing a couple scheduled games recently, and I’ve been wanting to actually see some of the cyberpunk terrain I’ve been working on on the tabletop…so this seems like a good time for another Five...